
GWR.predict(points, P, exog_scale=None, exog_resid=None, fit_params={})[source]

Method that predicts values of the dependent variable at un-sampled locations

points : array-like

n*2, collection of n sets of (x,y) coordinates used for calibration prediction locations

P : array

n*k, independent variables used to make prediction; exlcuding the constant

exog_scale : scalar

estimated scale using sampled locations; defualt is None which estimates a model using points from “coords”

exog_resid : array-like

estimated residuals using sampled locations; defualt is None which estimates a model using points from “coords”; if given it must be n*1 where n is the length of coords

fit_params : dict

key-value pairs of parameters that will be passed into fit method to define estimation routine; see fit method for more details