Source code for mgwr.kernels

# GWR kernel function specifications

__author__ = "Taylor Oshan"

import scipy
from scipy.spatial.kdtree import KDTree
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as cdist_scipy
from math import radians, sin, cos, sqrt, asin

#adaptive specifications should be parameterized with nn-1 to match original gwr
#implementation. That is, pysal counts self neighbors with knn automatically.

[docs]def fix_gauss(coords, bw, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None,spherical=False): """ Fixed Gaussian kernel. """ w = _Kernel(coords, function='gwr_gaussian', bandwidth=bw, truncate=False, points=points, dmat=dmat,sorted_dmat=sorted_dmat,spherical=spherical) return w.kernel
[docs]def adapt_gauss(coords, nn, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None,spherical=False): """ Spatially adaptive Gaussian kernel. """ w = _Kernel(coords, fixed=False, k=nn-1, function='gwr_gaussian', truncate=False, points=points, dmat=dmat,sorted_dmat=sorted_dmat,spherical=spherical) return w.kernel
[docs]def fix_bisquare(coords, bw, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None,spherical=False): """ Fixed bisquare kernel. """ w = _Kernel(coords, function='bisquare', bandwidth=bw, points=points, dmat=dmat,sorted_dmat=sorted_dmat,spherical=spherical) return w.kernel
[docs]def adapt_bisquare(coords, nn, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None,spherical=False): """ Spatially adaptive bisquare kernel. """ w = _Kernel(coords, fixed=False, k=nn-1, function='bisquare', points=points, dmat=dmat,sorted_dmat=sorted_dmat,spherical=spherical) return w.kernel
[docs]def fix_exp(coords, bw, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None,spherical=False): """ Fixed exponential kernel. """ w = _Kernel(coords, function='exponential', bandwidth=bw, truncate=False, points=points, dmat=dmat,sorted_dmat=sorted_dmat,spherical=spherical) return w.kernel
[docs]def adapt_exp(coords, nn, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None,spherical=False): """ Spatially adaptive exponential kernel. """ w = _Kernel(coords, fixed=False, k=nn-1, function='exponential', truncate=False, points=points, dmat=dmat,sorted_dmat=sorted_dmat,spherical=spherical) return w.kernel
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist #Customized Kernel class user for GWR because the default PySAL kernel class #favors memory optimization over speed optimizations and GWR often needs the #speed optimization since it is not always assume points far awary # are truncated #to zero def cdist(coords1,coords2,spherical): def _haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): R = 6371.0 # Earth radius in kilometers dLat = radians(lat2 - lat1) dLon = radians(lon2 - lon1) lat1 = radians(lat1) lat2 = radians(lat2) a = sin(dLat/2)**2 + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin(dLon/2)**2 c = 2*asin(sqrt(a)) return R * c n = len(coords1) m = len(coords2) dmat = np.zeros((n,n)) if spherical: for i in range(n) : for j in range(m): dmat[i,j] = _haversine(coords1[i][0], coords1[i][1], coords2[j][0], coords2[j][1]) else: dmat = cdist_scipy(coords1,coords2) return dmat class _Kernel(object): """ GWR kernel function specifications. """ def __init__(self, data, bandwidth=None, fixed=True, k=None, function='triangular', eps=1.0000001, ids=None, truncate=True, points=None, dmat=None,sorted_dmat=None, spherical=False): #Added truncate flag if issubclass(type(data), scipy.spatial.KDTree): = data = else: = data if k is not None: self.k = int(k) + 1 else: self.k = k self.spherical = spherical self.searching = True if dmat is None: self.searching = False if self.searching: self.dmat = dmat self.sorted_dmat = sorted_dmat else: if points is None: self.dmat = cdist(,, self.spherical) else: self.points = points self.dmat = cdist(self.points,, self.spherical) self.function = function.lower() self.fixed = fixed self.eps = eps self.trunc = truncate if bandwidth: try: bandwidth = np.array(bandwidth) bandwidth.shape = (len(bandwidth), 1) except: bandwidth = np.ones((len(data), 1), 'float') * bandwidth self.bandwidth = bandwidth else: self._set_bw() self.kernel = self._kernel_funcs(self.dmat/self.bandwidth) if self.trunc: mask = np.repeat(self.bandwidth, len(, axis=1) self.kernel[(self.dmat >= mask)] = 0 def _set_bw(self): if self.searching: if self.k is not None: dmat = self.sorted_dmat[:,:self.k] else: dmat = self.dmat else: if self.k is not None: dmat = np.sort(self.dmat)[:,:self.k] else: dmat = self.dmat if self.fixed: # use max knn distance as bandwidth bandwidth = dmat.max() * self.eps n = len( self.bandwidth = np.ones((n, 1), 'float') * bandwidth else: # use local max knn distance self.bandwidth = dmat.max(axis=1) * self.eps self.bandwidth.shape = (self.bandwidth.size, 1) def _kernel_funcs(self, zs): # functions follow Anselin and Rey (2010) table 5.4 if self.function == 'triangular': return 1 - zs elif self.function == 'uniform': return np.ones(zi.shape) * 0.5 elif self.function == 'quadratic': return (3. / 4) * (1 - zs ** 2) elif self.function == 'quartic': return (15. / 16) * (1 - zs ** 2) ** 2 elif self.function == 'gaussian': c = np.pi * 2 c = c ** (-0.5) return c * np.exp(-(zs ** 2) / 2.) elif self.function == 'gwr_gaussian': return np.exp(-0.5*(zs)**2) elif self.function == 'bisquare': return (1-(zs)**2)**2 elif self.function =='exponential': return np.exp(-zs) else: print('Unsupported kernel function', self.function)